.NET Conf After Party

#MicrosoftReactor #Development #Hybrid #Berlin

Einen guten Überblick über die vielen neuen Versionen und Funktionen, die im Rahmen der .NET Conf vorgestellt wurden, bietet dir die .NET Conf After Party am 19. Januar 2023 im Microsoft Reactor Popup in Berlin. Geplant sind derzeit vier Vorträge von verschiedenen Microsoft- und Community-Experten.

Kostenfreie Anmeldung: https://reactor.microsoft.com/en-us/reactor/events/17744

Session 1
4:00PM - 4:45PM
Azure Developer Community Call "News & Hot Topics" - .NET Maui
Torsten Stiller, Developer Audience Lead, Microsoft

Abstract: .NET Maui is a new cross-platform development framework that allows developers to build modern, high-performance applications using a single codebase and a wide range of tools and libraries. In this presentation, Torsten Stiller will provide a brief overview of the key features and capabilities of .NET Maui. He will also demonstrate how to create a simple application using .NET Maui, including how to set up a development environment and how to use the framework's powerful tooling and libraries to quickly build and deploy an application. By the end of the session, attendees will have a basic understanding of how to use .NET Maui to build their own applications.

4:45PM - 5:00PM: Break

Session 2
5:00PM - 5:30PM
OpenAI in Azure and How to Work with Prompts
Jeremy Chapman, Director, Product Marketing, Microsoft

Abstract: Join Jeremy Chapman from Microsoft Mechanics to explore OpenAI and what it can do - in Azure and beyond. OpenAI does not require you to have deep knowledge of AI, ML, or Python, and with very limited guidance, you can generate the outcomes in text, code and even images using natural language. The key to this is understanding how prompts work and how you can interact with them using Few Shot or Zero Shot approaches. In this session, we’ll walk through in-market examples using OpenAI, examples of custom apps and the code needed to call the APIs, and how to think about prompts and working with them in your code. We’ll also demonstrate the Azure OpenAI Studio to experiment and test your models before bringing them into your code and how to sign up for the service to try it.

5:30PM - 5:40PM: Break

Session 3
5:40PM - 6:10PM:
Quantum Computing with Azure Quantum and Q#
Christian Waha, Technical Architect, Microsoft

Abstract: Quantum computers are the next generation of supercomputers. Before we talk about their potential applications, we need to understand the fundamental physics that drives the theory of quantum computing. In this talk, Christian Waha provides basics about Quantum Computing, Q# and how Azure Quantum is working.

6:10PM - 6:30PM: Break & Pizza

Session 4
6:30PM - 7:00PM:
Add machine learning to your .NET applications with ML.NET
Alexander Wachtel, Microsoft AI MVP, MCT, CEO ESC Deutschland GmbH

Abstract: Machine learning applications make use of patterns in the data to make predictions rather than needing to be explicitly programmed. Use ML.NET to add machine learning component to your .NET applications and make automatic predictions using the data available to your application. In this talk, Alexander Wachtel - Microsoft AI MVP & MCT - will show on how to start with ML.NET.

7:00PM - 8:00PM: Networking

Alexander Wachtel