KI-Neuigkeiten auf der Microsoft Build 2018
Auf der diesjährigen Microsoft Build - der Entwicklerkonferenz von Microsoft - wurde einige Neuigkeiten aus dem KI-Bereich präsentiert. Hier stelle ich einen kleine Übersicht, die mich persönlich am meisten interessieren.
Azure Machine Learning also is announcing new Azure Machine Learning Packages, which are sets of algorithms that enable data scientists to easily build, train, fine tune and deploy highly accurate and efficient models for computer vision, text analytics and financial forecasting.
Among the new Cognitive Services being announced at Build is a unified Speech service that bundles improved models for speech recognition, speech translation and text-to-speech. The improvements include the ability to customize models for specific speaking styles and the vocabulary of an industry, and to create a unique brand voice, for example for an interactive bot on a customer’s e-commerce website.
Am meisten freue ich mich jedoch auf:
In addition to all new AI tools for developers, Microsoft also announced AI Lab, a new collection of AI projects designed to enable developers to get started with AI by exploring, experiencing, learning and coding the latest Microsoft AI technology innovations.
Quelle und weitere Infos:
- Active Directory
- Administration Tools
- Allgemein
- Backup
- ChatBots
- Configuration Manager
- Data Protection Manager
- Deployment
- Endpoint Protection
- Exchange Server
- Gruppenrichtlinien
- Hyper-V
- Intune
- Konferenz
- Künstliche Intelligenz
- Linux
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Teams
- Office 365
- Office Web App Server
- Powershell
- Remote Desktop Server
- Remote Server
- SQL Server
- Sharepoint Server
- Sicherheit
- System Center
- Training
- Verschlüsselung
- Virtual Machine Manager
- Visual Studio
- Windows 10
- Windows 8
- Windows Azure
- Windows Client
- Windows Server
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server 2012R2
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2022
- Zertifikate